Jovan White

For the inaugural week of "7 QUESTION SUNDAY" we shine the spotlight on Jovan White a.k.a. Archie Blanco!

4EG: Hey Jovan, tell us a little about yourself.

JW: I’m a regular guy from LAKEWOOD, WA who works a 9-5, trains Brazilian Jiu Jitsu out of Foster’s BJJ in Kent, WA, and podcasts “Regular Guy Podcast with Jovan”.

Here is how Jovan answered our 7 questions...

4EG: What makes the PNW unique? 

JW: The PNW is unique for a lot of reasons, but I think it’s because we’re just built different up here. I’ve met people who moved here, and they often complain about the lack of sunshine, some end up moving back to where they came from. People raised in the PNW embrace this weather and appreciate the sunny days. In a way I think it represents our understanding how life works, it’s never perfect but when we have a good day it’s one to remember. We’re much stronger up here because of it. 

4EG: Where’s your favorite escape in the PNW? 

My favorite escape is Mt. Rainier, I don’t go often but when I do, I take full advantage. The lack of cell service, there’s not a lot of people up there, and you don’t hear much except the wind. It’s peaceful.

4EG: Best meal in the PNW? 

JW: The best meal up here? Sushi and Breakfast and Burgers. I’m an early bird and I also love sushi. The breakfast scene up here is perfect, we’re on the coast so the sushi is perfect, and everyone makes a good cheeseburger around these parts... trust me.

4EG: What’s the one thing anyone who visits must see or do? 

JW: You have to hike when you’re in the PNW. The air is fresh up here, we’re surrounded by evergreen trees and mountains. You have to hit up at least one hike, even if it’s Rattlesnake Ledge, enjoy the views!

4EG: What do you miss most when you’re outside the PNW? 

JW: When I’m away from home, I miss the coffee lol. Starbucks is the powerhouse of caffeine but there’s a huge list of local Indy spots that focus solely on quality and aren’t interested in having a million locations brewing BS. Those small shops produce the best tasting cups of coffee you’d imagine.

4EG: Favorite PNW activity? 

JW: My favorite PNW activity attend our abundance of festivals over the summer. All along I-5 is where all the diversity lives. There’s Taste of Tacoma, Art on the Ave, Bite of Seattle, The Japanese Bon Odori Festival, etc. The Summers are fun up here no doubt.

4EG: Best local product? 

JW: Our Beer. If you’re not aware of the talented Breweries up here.... you better get familiar. 

 We are extremely grateful to Jovan for being the feature of our very 1st "7 Question Sunday"! Everyone look out for him! You may see some 4EVRGRN Gear on him during his workouts or at his tournaments!